April 1

Options for Structuring Your High Impact, High Ticket Coaching Offers

When it comes to High Impact, High Ticket Coaching, clients are looking for a transformative experience that goes beyond just achieving a goal or meeting a deadline. They want to feel empowered, aligned, and fulfilled. This kind of transformation can occur through special one-time experiences or over time.

Here are some tips when setting up your High Impact, High Ticket Breakthrough level coaching:

Offer Mid-to-Long-Term Options

Breakthrough level coaching works very well spread out over time. Unlike Intensives or retreats that require a big block of time all at once, you can give the same level of transformation spaced out over three-months to a year. This gives more flexibility to you and your client and it ensures that you are available to them over time as they change and grow.

Include One-on-One Intensives

One-on-one intensives are an excellent way to deepen your coaching relationship with clients and provide a concentrated burst of support. These intensives can range from a half-day to a full weekend and can be done in-person or virtually.

Consider Offering Retreats

Retreats can be a powerful way to immerse clients in a transformative experience. Depending on your niche, you might offer a weekend retreat focused on mindset and personal growth, a week-long retreat that combines coaching with adventure and exploration, or a longer retreat that provides ongoing support over several weeks.

Bundle Your Packages

Bundling your coaching offers is another great way to provide clients with a more comprehensive experience. For example, you might offer a six-month coaching program that includes weekly one-on-one sessions, plus a one-on-one intensive, or a weekend retreat. 

If you’d like some help in designing or fine-tuning your high impact, high ticket coaching packages to best serve your clients and hit your financial goals, schedule a free 15-minute Coaching Package Audit.

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