Empower Your Clients and Transform Your

Business with High-Impact Coaching

There's a BIG problem in the coaching industry right now.

In fact, there are three...

Problem #1

Failed Promises

Passionate, caring people who want to have an impactful and meaningful coaching career are lured in by programs offering quick-to-learn techniques or “get a certificate in a weekend” promises that fail to deliver long-lasting, transformative results for clients and any marketable skills for the coach.

Problem #2

Imposter Syndrome

Experts with promising, but complicated programs, shine during demos while you're racked with self-doubt and imposter syndrome when you don’t get the same results. You struggle to understand what you're getting wrong, but with no one to go to for help, you get no where.

Problem #3

Mirage Trainings

The industry is full of mirage trainings that are about their sales, not your skills. When you ask a question, the answer is always the same, “You need to attend the next level of training.” And when you do, there is little Q&A and no mentorship leaving you feeling frustrated, disheartened, and alone.


Whether the program is all flash and no substance, too stuffy and stringent or all about the upsell, at their core, they all share a fatal flaw ... no ongoing support.

And why would they want to offer support?

Support takes time ... support requires that they have real-world experience ... support means being asked tough questions about their programs.

Do you connect with any of the following?

I'm great with my clients, but the idea of asking for a referral makes me queasy.

I have no idea how to explain what I do and sign up new clients.

I know I should be promoting my work through interviews, podcasts, webinars, lives, etc., but I'm terrible at public speaking, oh and terrified by it too.

I can help my clients stay on track or achieve a goal, but when deeper issues come up, I don't have the expertise to support them.

I was excited about the coaching skills I learned during a recent training, but when I tried using them with my clients, the results were short-lived or non-existent.

I meet with clients all day long and I'm exhausted by the end of the day, but I can't cut back on my coaching hours because I'm barely making enough money to get by.

Do you connect with any of the following?

  1. 1
    I'm great with my clients, but the idea of asking for a referral makes me queasy.
  2. 2
    I have no idea how to explain what I do and sign up new clients.
  3. 3
    I know I should be promoting my work through interviews, podcasts, webinars, lives, etc., but I'm terrible at public speaking, oh and terrified by it too.
  4. 4
    I'm great at helping clients stay on track or achieve a goal, but when deeper issues emerge that are blocking their success, I don't have the expertise to help.
  5. 5
    I felt totally confident about the coaching skills I learned during a recent training, but when I tried using them with my clients, the results were short-lived or non-existent.
  6. 6
    I meet with clients all day long and I'm exhausted by the end of the day, but I can't cut back on my coaching hours because I'm barely making enough money to get by.

An empowered mindset and solid skills are the foundation of your coaching practice.

It's really hard to enroll a client, let alone keep them, if there's a voice in your head telling you "you're not good enough," "why even bother trying," or a million other things we say to ourselves when we don't have our mindset dialed in for success.

When I say, "solid skills," I mean transformative, life-changing coaching skills you can masterfully put to use with your clients. The kind of coaching that impacts every area of a client's life.

Your mindset and skillset set the stage for you to develop a high-impact coaching business.

The Key to Building A Transformative Coaching Business

The secret ingredient in-demand coaches use to build a high-impact coaching practice is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

NLP trained coaches help their clients get life-changing results that last. The fact that these transformations often happen quickly, makes it even better.

It's a powerful edge that enables coaches to connect with their clients on a deeper level, understand their needs, and help them achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively.

Because you are able to understand your client's underlying motivations, fears, and limiting beliefs, you can help them develop new habits, attitudes, and ways of thinking and behaving.

By using the language of change you can empower your clients and help them create changes that ripple across all aspects of their lives and leave a lasting legacy.

And when you get a reputation as a highly effective coach, this helps you attract higher-paying clients, expand your coaching practice, and gain recognition as a leading expert in your niche.


With high-impact NLP coaching you're helping your clients make life-changing improvements. Things like mindset, limiting beliefs, emotions, and baggage are addressed so your clients can transform their lives.


Depending on your niche, you can offer mid-to-long term coaching packages, special experience packages like retreats, conferences, one-on-one intensives, weekend breakthroughs (the sky's the limit) and bundle different combinations of services.


When your clients make a huge change in their lives, other people notice and next thing you know, you've got a referral. Transformative results with your clients, lead to more referrals and more clients.


At this level of coaching, clients are looking for a transformative experience that goes beyond just achieving a goal or meeting a deadline. They want to feel empowered, aligned, and fulfilled. The more valuable the coaching experience, the more clients are willing to pay for it.

With Over 25 Years of Experience

Logging over 2,000 days of training and working with tens of thousands of individuals through training and coaching, I will be with you to help you learn, integrate, and apply this information in your business and in your life!

John Ryan, MBA, MSW, PhD

Certified Master Trainer of NLP

Founder of NLP Unlimited

Why I Created NLP Unlimited

The first training I ever attended was an NLP event and I knew that weekend that NLP was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I took all the trainings, started my own business and things were going really well, I was literally living my dreams and then ... 2020 happened. 

We know the world changed significantly for everyone and for many people it became a time of reflection. A time to re-think what we wanted to do professionally, how we wanted to live and work, where we wanted to call home and who we wanted to spend our days with.

It was a time to ponder the big questions and what really matters.

For me, that also meant some soul searching about ideas I'd been taught and had taken for granted for 25 years. I started to wonder if the old way of doing things was the best way for people to learn, master, and use NLP.

If the purpose of training is to share knowledge and build skills, then I had to ask myself some tough questions:

  • After attending Practitioner training, do people really feel confident and competent to go out there and use the skills they learned?
  • What if they go all the way through Master Practitioner, do they feel that they have mastery over the material?
  • After Trainer's Training, do they really feel like they could train a segment of NLP, let alone an entire NLP training?

If the purpose of training is to share knowledge and build skills, then I had to ask myself some tough questions:

  • After attending Practitioner training, do people really feel confident and competent to go out there and use the skills they learned?
  • What if they go all the way through Master Practitioner, do they feel that they have mastery over the material?
  • After Trainer's Training, do they really feel like they could train a segment of NLP, let alone an entire NLP training?

I realized the answer to all of these questions was "no."

It was time to go back to the drawing board and design an NLP training program that made sense given how people actually learn.

I knew there was going to need to be repetition, practice, feedback, real-world application, community, and mentorship ... I needed to create a program that allowed people to get immersed in NLP so they could master the language of change much like people do when learning a foreign language.

I also knew I wanted to make it easy for you to get everything they needed to learn NLP, from Practitioner level all the way through Trainer's Trainings.

I wanted to focus all of the content on coaching, no more wasting your time listening to NLP applied in industries that have nothing to do with how you will be using it.

And just as importantly, I wanted to get rid of the upsells and the need to pay for trainings again and again each time you want to take them. 

I wanted to give you all the trainings and support for one price.

I realized the answer to all of these questions was "no."

It was time to go back to the drawing board, to start at the beginning and design an NLP training program that made sense given how people actually learn. I knew there was going to need to be repetition, practice, feedback, real-world application, community and mentorship ... I needed to create a program that allowed people to get immersed in NLP so they could master the language of transformation much like people do when learning a foreign language.

I also knew I wanted to make it easy for coaches to get everything they needed to learn NLP, from Practitioner level all the way through Trainer's Trainings. I wanted to focus all of the content on coaching, no more wasting your time listening to NLP applied in industries that have nothing to do with how you will be using it. And just as importantly, I wanted to get rid of the upsells, the need to pay for trainings again and again each time you want to take them, I wanted to give you all the trainings and support for one price.

High-Impact NLP Coaching Skills and

VIP-Level Support All Included in One Price

Build authentic and meaningful connections with your clients and foster lasting relationships.

Expand your coaching offerings to attract higher-paying clients and grow your coaching practice.

Use proven coaching techniques so you can consistently deliver exceptional results for your clients.

Develop an empowering mindset to unlock your full potential as a coaching professional.

Make a difference in the lives of others and fulfill your calling as a coach.

Showcase your expertise as a speaker and position yourself as a trusted authority in your niche.

Create Impact Funnels that attract, engage, and convert your ideal clients.

Unlock your unique skills, talents, and expertise to leave a lasting legacy.

  • What if I never figure this out? 
  • What should I really be spending my time doing?
  • Why does the competition always seem to be one step ahead of me?
  • Why is everything so much harder than I thought it would be?
  • Why did I think I had what it takes to run my own business?
  • Why is there never enough time?

You can't build your coaching skills alone...

To become a masterful coach requires more than just education. You need feedback, guidance, and support as you apply what you've learned in the real-world.

Imagine having daily access to an expert coach who truly cares about helping you master the art of coaching and a community of coaches supporting each other as they build transformative coaching businesses that deeply impact the lives of the people they feel passionate about serving.

John has given me the opportunity to advance my trainings and to do it remotely which has been incredible.  Having access to NLP Training anytime I want is amazing. There is no greater company where you can feel welcomed and supported.  I'm certainly on the right path.

Caroline Burt 

Life & Success Coach

NLP gave me the opportunity to help people to manage the stress of trauma much better than most of the modalities I was trained in. The platform that John offers is a plethora of information and you can utilize as much as little as you want. NLP is one of the greatest gifts to society and mankind. If you're interested in the business of helping people flourish, then NLP should be somewhere in your toolkit.

Dr. Guy Earle

 Therapist, Coach, & Trainer

The result for me was coming away with an undeniable certainty of what I wanted to do, how I was going to do it, and the belief in myself that I could.  Watching John and seeing all the energy he had, the expertise and how he was able to weave all of it together, I do feel it was a turning point for me.

Alice Mar Rocher  

Consultant & Speaker



The NLP Practitioner Series is the foundation of the NLP Curriculum. This teaches all the core knowledge and skills necessary to get started with NLP and benefit from the advanced trainings.



  • NLP Coach Practitioner
  • NLP Business Mastery
  • NLP Real Estate Practitioner


TRAINING SERIES |  NLP Master Practitioner

The NLP Master Practitioner Series includes all the advanced techniques and tools of NLP including quantum linguistics, values, changing beliefs and installing strategies. This series also includes timeline techniques and facilitating breakthrough sessions. 



  • NLP Change Mastery
  • Release Point Method™
  • NLP Breakthrough Mastery
  • RPM Breakthrough™


TRAINING SERIES |  NLP Trainers Training

The NLP Trainers Training shares the secrets of world-class speakers to help you share your message with confidence and skill as you train and transform your audience. 



  • NLP Speaking Mastery
  • NLP Training Mastery
  • NLP Presentation Mastery



The NLP Master Coach Series gives you a R.O.A.D. MAP for the 3 levels of coaching: Action, Performance, and Transformation. With this program, you'll know step-by-step how to create consistent results for your clients.



  • Accountability Coaching
  • Performance Coaching
  • Breakthrough Coaching


BUSINESS |  Business Mastery

Once. you've developed your coaching skills and have a system for empowering your clients, the next step is to get clients! Our business development trainings are designed from coach's perspective who is looking to build a business and leave a legacy.

All Levels


  • Impact Funnels
  • Service-Based Sales
  • The NLP Negotiation Process


SUPPORT |  Training, Mentorship, & Community

NLP Unlimited is about Training, Mentorship, and Support. We provide that on a daily basis through our Community Forum and our Live Events: Weekly Workshops and NLP Coaching Foundations Q & A Sessions.

All Levels


  • Live, Weekly Workshops
  • Foundations Live Q&A
  • NLP Unlimited Community

How I value myself, my services, have more than tripled since starting to work with you. That transfers over to the results that my clients are getting. We've had a $40,000 month. I've charged $5,000 for a day. Before, I was so unsure if I was worth that much and you've helped me realize that, of course I am. Thank you for who you are in my life.

Billy Ruehlmann

Business Coach

It's always tough when you want to start working on yourself and the best place to start is with Dr. John.  He's able to put things into real language...easy language so that when you're using a tool, you know what you're doing. Dr. John makes it really fun. I don't think I have ever had an interaction with him where I didn't laugh. The resources are unlimited with Dr. John.

Sandy Rosenthal

 Executive Coach

You're going to see immediate results. You're going to see change and transformation. very quickly. And you're part of a community.  You're not in it by yourself. Everyone is focused on their purpose. The type of feedback that I get from clients demonstrates to me that it really does make a difference. Now that John has NLP Unlimited, it's even easier for me.

Shelle Cleveland

Consultant & Speaker

For coaching professionals who want to elevate their coaching skills, expand their impact, and accelerate their career success.

Perfect for new and experienced coaches, entrepreneurs, and leaders who want to leverage their knowledge and experience to help others.


The NLP Unlimited Advantage

Other NLP Trainings

  • The Illusion of Learning

You are expected to learn, master and understand how to apply the material after attending the training once. One-Time Learning violates everything we know about how people actually learn.

  • One-Size-Fits-All

One minute you’re feeling frantic as the trainer speeds through difficult content and the next, you’re bored out of your mind when an attendee pulls the trainer down a rabbit hole.

  • Minimal Trainer Access

While you might grab a minute on a break to ask a question, the real questions show up after the training when the trainer is nowhere to be found.

  • Focused on Upsells

You spend days or weeks in a training, not because it takes that long to cover the material, but because the training includes multiple sales presentations disguised as content.

  • Unlimited Learning

Watch, rewatch, and reinforce your learnings as much as you'd like through our Trainings On Demand platform.

  • Customized Experience

You get the freedom and flexibility to upgrade your skills anytime and anywhere it’s convenient for you.

  • Mentorship

Get a high level of support that's unheard of in other programs. 

  • Ongoing Support

Attend 3 weekly Live Sessions, led by me, to help you integrate the material and develop your skills.

  • Daily Access to Me

Get answers to your questions in a timely manner.

  • Community

Our private community forum is a perfect place to hang out with other NLP Unlimited members to explore topics beyond the weekly live calls.

Here's What Immersive Learning Looks Like...

Ongoing Support & On Demand Training

Trainings On Demand

Our Programs are Completely Online By Design

Get instant access to all trainings in the NLP Unlimited library. These seminar-quality programs allow you to upgrade your skills anytime and anywhere it’s convenient for you. Revisit, rewatch, and reinforce your learnings as much as you'd like.

Community Forum

Connect With Other Coaches and Experts

Get support and encouragement from John and other NLP Unlimited members. Our private community forum is a perfect place to hang out with other coaches and explore topics beyond the weekly live calls.

Live, Weekly Workshops

Keep the Seminar Energy Going All Year Long

NLP Unlimited Workshops are designed to enhance learning, build community, and keep your momentum going all year long. Upgrade your skills with exercises, breakouts and more during these immersive, live, weekly workshops.

Live, Weekly Q&A Calls

Build A Solid Foundation

Every week, I hold live Coaching Foundations Q&A calls to answer your questions, help you integrate the material, and develop your skills. Building a solid foundation is key to your success, so we focus on applying NLP in your business and in your life

From Just Getting Started to Streamlining & Scaling

Also Included:

Private Podcast

Can't make the Live, Weekly Calls? No problem. Grow on the Go with the NLP Unlimited Podcast, Exclusively for NLP Unlimited Members.

RESULTS-DriveN Time Management

To maximize our productivity, achievement and fulfillment, we need to recognize that time management is really mind management. Using NLP and fundamental time management techniques, learn how to shift your perspective towards the results that truly matter.

Assertive Communication & Setting boundaries

Anyone who is focused on improving their performance or the performance of their team, must master the skill of setting boundaries and expectations. Master the art of assertive communication and learn a powerful approach to communicating with others.

developing your why

To create and maintain motivation, this program helps you Develop Your WHY! By discovering your values and connecting to your mission, you can develop greater resiliency, flexibility, and commitment to your future and the impact you want to create.


Instead of getting in your own way, sabotaging yourself by creating mental and emotional blocks, use the tools in this course to learn to program your subconscious mind to not only create but attract the results you want in your business and in your life.

7 Pillars of influence

Our ability to build a legacy is tied directly to our ability to positively influence those around us. If you want to increase your sales, expand your impact, and deepen your relationships, then you want to learn and master the 7 Pillars of Influence.

7 Keys to Closing more deals with NLP

Go beyond self-sabotage by mastering your mindset to attract and enroll more clients.  Learn how to create mental and emotional alignment and use the power of language to expand your impact and reduce resistance.


Your yearly NLP Unlimited membership includes:

All-Inclusive Pricing

Instant access to every level of NLP (Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Trainer's Training, and Master Coach). It's all included.

Trainings On Demand

Learn what you want, when you want, where you want to learn it. All courses are available on demand, anytime you want them.

Expert Support

Daily access to support in our online Community forum. Ask questions and get the answers you need when you need them.

Weekly Workshops

Keep the seminar energy going all year long with our live, Weekly Workshops. Enjoy exercises, breakouts and more. This immersive training structure is designed around how you learn.

Momentum Coaching

You will receive two private, one-on-one Momentum Coaching Calls to help you hit the ground running and accelerate your success.

12 Certification Courses

The Core Courses of NLP Unlimited also include the opportunity to get certified. This gives you the foundation to engage, enroll, and empower clients with confidence.

Mastery & Mentorship Awaits

  • NLP Weekly Workshops
  • NLP Coaching Foundations Live Q & A
  • Daily Access to John
  • NLP Unlimited Community Forum
  • NLP Unlimited Private Podcast
  • Results-Driven Time Management
  • Assertive Communication & Setting Boundaries
  • 7 Pillars of Influence
  • 7 Keys to Closing More Deals with NLP
  • Developing Your WHY
  • Manifesting Your Vision
  • Impact Funnels
  • Service-Based Sales
  • NLP Coach Practitioner
  • NLP Business Mastery
  • NLP Real Estate Practitioner
  • NLP Change Mastery
  • Release Point Method
  • NLP Breakthrough Mastery
  • RPM Breakthrough
  • NLP Speaking Mastery
  • NLP Training Mastery
  • NLP Presentation Mastery
  • Accountability Coaching
  • Performance Coaching
  • Breakthrough Coaching



Plus, For a Limited time...

Special Bonus

When you join NLP Unlimited, we're giving you two private, one-on-one Momentum Coaching Calls to help you hit the ground running and accelerate your success.  



Step 1: Meet with Your Momentum Coach

The first step on any journey is to identify where you are and where you want to go. To help you find the right path, your first step will be to meet with your Momentum Coach to evaluate your current level of training as well as your desired outcomes to help you find the right training path. They'll be there to get you started on the right foot, help you practice, offer support, answer questions, and keep you on track with your NLP Unlimited goals.


Step 2: Join Us For Live Support Calls ... 2 Per Week

Next it's time to dive in with the Live, Weekly Sessions. The Weekly Workshops and Foundations Q&A are designed to help you stay on the path, engage with the content and keep your new learnings and skills top-of-mind. I'll be there to answer your questions, help you integrate the material, and develop your skills. These calls are also a great way to connect with other coaches in the program.


Step 3: Watch On Demand Trainings

In between Weekly Sessions, you'll be immersing yourself in the NLP Unlimited Library through our Trainings On Demand learning platform. These seminar-quality trainings allow you to upgrade your skills anytime and anywhere it’s convenient for you. Revisit, rewatch, and reinforce your learnings as much as you'd like.


Step 4: Reach Out, Daily Support Is Available

Have questions on the content or how to apply it in your life, no need to wait until the next weekly call, ask your question the moment it comes up to enhance your learning with timely feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?

It's a year-long program designed to operate how people truly learn with spaced repetition and expert support.

Will there be replays?

Yes. If you can't make the live sessions, you can always watch the replays which will be available in your learning library. Plus, you'll also have access to any and all trainings to watch at any time. This program is Online By Design and was created start-to-finish to be completely virtual with live support.

How much time should I expect to invest per week?

The live, weekly workshops are an hour long. Homework assignments are typically 1-2 hours per week.

Can I go at my own pace?

Yes. You are in total control of how quickly you progress through the material. While the Weekly Workshops follow a specific cadence to optimize learning, you have full access to the trainings to jump ahead or review anything you like.

Can I get certified?

Yes. There are 12 Certification Trainings in NLP Unlimited. There are certification tests included as a way to get feedback and it is a pre-requisite to pass the test to receive your certificate of completion. You can take each test as many times as you'd like! The Trainers Training series requires presentations as well. There are no hidden exam fees or association fees. 

Can I purchase a membership for someone else?

Yes, you can purchase a membership for others. Each person participating requires their own membership. Teams of 10 or more can contact us to inquire about a group discount or a private program just for their team.

Schedule a Call and Apply to Join this Amazing Community and Take Advantage of This Incredible Offer While It Lasts.

We Have a Limited Number of Spots Available So That We Can Provide the Highest Level of Service and Support.

The NLP Unlimited Program Includes:

  • NLP Weekly Workshops
  • NLP Coaching Foundations Live Q & A
  • Daily Access to John
  • NLP Unlimited Community
  • NLP Unlimited Private Podcast
  • NLP  Coaching Foundations Private Podcast
  • Business Mastery
  • NLP Unlimited Coaching Foundations Series
  • NLP Master Practitioner Series
  • NLP Trainers Training Series
  • NLP Master Coach Series
  • 2 Private, Momentum Coaching Sessions
  • Plus, Much More!!

The NLP Unlimited Program Includes:

  • NLP Weekly Workshops
  • NLP Unlimited Mastermind
  • Coaching Foundations, Live  Q & A Sessions
  • Daily Access to John
  • NLP Unlimited Community
  • NLP Unlimited Mastermind Private Podcast
  • NLP Foundations Series
  • NLP Master Practitioner Series
  • NLP Trainers Training Series
  • NLP Master Coach Series
  • Plus, Much More!!

Consider this your "coaching edge" where you learn skills you can use with your clients and for yourself - it is skillset and mindset!

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”

~ African Proverb

Stop trying to overcome imposter syndrome through mirage trainings with no support. Instead, develop mastery through our NLP Unlimited mentorship program.


DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM NLP UNLIMITED.