I’d like to share with you a transformative approach that has been adapted from cognitive behavioral therapy: the Performance Equation. This simple formula—Thinking + Feeling + Behaving = Results—is designed to help individuals break free from the constraints that get in their way. Why is this important? Identify Blocks: Quickly ...

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Stuck just going through the motions (or working with someone who is)? Sometimes the simplest stories can provide inspiration, like the story of the three bricklayers. When asked what they were doing, the first bricklayer replied, “I’m laying bricks,” the second said, “I’m building a wall,” but the third declared, ...

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Sensory acuity, a key concept in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), is the ability to perceive and interpret sensory information in a highly detailed and accurate manner. In the context of communication and relationship building, developing sensory acuity can help you establish rapport and build stronger connections with others. Let's explore the ...

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When it comes to goal setting, the acronym SMART has become a popular framework to ensure goals are set in an effective way. A common definition for the SMART goals acronym is: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.  When I first started teaching SMART goals, this is exactly how I ...

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful approach to personal and professional development that is built on the idea that we can change our behavior and achieve our goals by changing our thoughts and language patterns. Let's explore the core concepts of NLP and how they can help you achieve your ...

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As coaches, we have a unique opportunity to serve our niche by using Impact Funnels to share our knowledge and expertise. Whether it's through writing articles, recording podcasts, publishing books, or hosting webinars, there are countless ways we can provide value to our community and make a positive impact. Why ...

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I get this question a lot – How do I get started as a coach? When talking to aspiring coaches, I usually hear the following. They want to: Make a difference and help people Build a business that truly aligns with their values Have the freedom and flexibility to work ...

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A strong and authentic brand can help you stand out in a crowded market and attract the right clients. But how do you go about building a coaching identity that truly reflects who you are and what you offer?Here are some tips to get you started:Define your mission and values: Your ...

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When it comes to High Impact, High Ticket Coaching, clients are looking for a transformative experience that goes beyond just achieving a goal or meeting a deadline. They want to feel empowered, aligned, and fulfilled. This kind of transformation can occur through special one-time experiences or over time.Here are some ...

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The question that often follows picking your niche is figuring out your offers. Sounds simple, right? Tell everyone you’re a [Insert Your Niche Here] Coach and off you go. But, even within your niche, clients are going to come to you wanting different levels of service. And if you want ...

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